Friday, March 7, 2008

Deliberate Attraction and Why You Meditate

I hope you read and practiced the meditation techniques I described in my last post. They are nothing super fancy; they are an amalgamation of Dr. Wayne Dyer's meditation advice. But, believe me, meditation as I've described it really does put your deliberate attraction on hyper drive.

But perhaps you're asking, "Why does meditation work? Why should I meditate? (Beside people like me recommending it?)"

Good questions. I imagine you're asking those questions, by the way, because those are the types of questions I ask. Allow me to explain:

Beginning with the work of famous Canadian neurosurgeon, Wilder Penfield, and continuing today, we've mapped out quite a bit about your brain. We know which parts of your brain do which things for your body - i.e. centers of consciousness, your motor cortex, where your peptides are produced and what they do, your sensory cortex, etc. In short, we've learned enough about your brain to pretty much know exactly how it's used to operate your body.

Yep. Your brain is a fantastic, irreplaceable tool for operating your body.

No earth shattering news there, right? But stop and re-read that sentence above...your brain is a "tool". Your brain is not "you", it is a tool of "you".

Be honest. If you're like 99.9% of the people in a western country, you are in the practiced habit of thinking of your brain as "you". You identify with it. You allow your brain's thoughts to dictate your state of being. You think of your brain as "who you are."

But research indicates that your brain is NOT who you are. Your brain is a tool, like your heart, lungs, legs, etc. It carries out orders and executes functions for you. But, and this is a doozy of a question, who is the "you" who gives the orders?

  1. Your body executes the commands from your brain.

  2. Your brain executes the commands from you.

  3. Where is the "you" who gives those commands to your brain?

That's right. Nowhere in your physical body can be found the YOU who gives the commands followed by your brain. Your brain commands your arm to move...but YOU decide to move your arm. Your brain commands your head to turn...but YOU decide to turn you head.

Your brain does not make those DECISIONS, it only executes the decisions made by the "you" which is not found anywhere in your body. That non-physical YOU must exist. Somebody is giving your brain commands!

And you can contact and commune with the non-physical YOU through meditation. That is the answer to why a deliberate attractor should meditate. Give it a try and see what you find.

I promise you, you will find something wonderful!

To the God in You,
Greg Kuhn

By the way, if you're interested in learning about the very real science behind the law of attraction and how to manifest abundance, read my lens on Squidoo.

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