Friday, February 29, 2008

Deliberate Attraction and Knowing Versus Wanting

(By the way, it is my hope that you can detect my attempt at "tongue-in-cheek" humor in my last post. The phrase "...paying me $500 to read this...", that is. You don't really have to pay me!)

Here are two phrases so simple, yet so true, that they define your reality:

  1. The things you "know" you have.

  2. The things you "want" you don't have.

I know, I're thinking, "For this I'm paying you $500?" (see...tongue-in-cheek again)

But stop and think about those two statements. Did you wake up today and think, "Gosh, I really, really want to be a trustworthy and compassionate friend!" Of course not! You are a trustworthy and compassionate friend - you know that! You don't need to want it, you are it.

But you may have, at some point today, thought,"Gosh, I wish I had (insert amount here) dollars." Why? Because you don't know you're wealthy, so you are in the "want" mode regarding money.

What I am revealing here is the foundation of wealth consciousness.

How to get it? Start by no longer wanting! That's right, quit wanting things.

You see, as long as you "want" something, you will never have it. You can't "have" something you "want." That is not how the universe operates (see all my other posts or my manifesting abundance lens on Squidoo).

And while you may not be able to "know" you're financially wealthy overnight, you can stop wanting money. And that's a huge (and completely necessary) first step!

To stop wanting anything, you must quiet your brain. You must immerse yourself in the present moment and "turn off" your brain.

How to turn off you brain? Meditation is the best way. And I'll describe some simple, yet very effective, meditation techniques in my next post.

To the God in You,
Greg Kuhn

By the way, if you're interested in learning about the very real science behind the law of attraction and how to manifest abundance, read my lens on Squidoo.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Four Deliberate Attraction Tips Which Will Move the Earth For You

Whoa, Sam! Thank you for calling me out on my Squidoo lens! I haven't posted to my blog for quite some time.

The update on my situation is thus: I am now selling my last "investment" property. As you read this, the swirling clouds of the universe are lining up and manifesting just the right circumstances for just the right person to purchase this last property. I haven't gotten the call yet...which just tells me that the circumstances, through which the right person will receive exactly what he/she is expecting, are still in motion.

I'll put it this way: the hot water faucet is turned on and the hot water just hasn't made its way up the pipe from the water heater. The hot water is on the way, though, so there's no need to worry.

I mean, really, do you stare at your sink when the water hasn't gotten hot yet, wondering, "I thought I was supposed to get hot water when I turned the hot water handle!"? You don't yell at your sink when the water coming out is still cold, do you? Nope. You know that hot water is on the way and it simply hasn't yet arrived.

Which leads to an interesting point: you are already in the stream and flow of abundance. I don't care what your current manifestations look and feel like! Yes, perhaps you're experiencing the opposite end of financial freedom - but you're still experiencing financial freedom! (Just the "other side of it")

Meditate about that for a while and see what you get.

You may be in the habit of looking at your current manifestations and, from them, deciding your state of being. As in, "I don't have as much money coming in as I'd like, therefore I'm broke or I'm poor." Doing that contradicts what you just read about being in the stream but experiencing the opposite end of your desires.

But it's what almost everybody does!

Deciding your state of being from your current surroundings is like driving a car by looking in your rear view mirror. Your current manifestations are nothing more (whether they're wonderful, horrible, or anything in between) than the results of your past thoughts and feelings. Your current manifestations have no bearing on your future results!

Ignore the following tips at your peril.

  • Earth-Moving Tip Number One: What you know always determines which end of the desire you're manifesting.

  • Earth-Moving Tip Number Two: What you know is your state of being.

  • Earth-Moving Tip Number Three: You can choose what you know.

  • Earth-Moving Tip Number Four: What you know doesn't have to be decided by what you see when you open your eyes. (In other words, your choice to know "I'm broke" when you look at your bank statement is just that - a choice. Nothing more/nothing less. There is no rule which states, "You must determine your state of being based on what you see!" How in the world would Oprah have risen from a dirt-poor childhood if that were true? THINK ABOUT THAT!)

With those four tips, you can move mountains. Seriously, there is so much life-changing information in those four tips that I should be charging you $500 to read them. I know they sound simple...they're too simple right?

My recommendation? Take those four tips and meditate on them for 15 minutes today. See what comes. Put them into action; read through this blog for an explanation of my action plan regarding these four tips!

I'm not anywhere near done, by the way, dispensing wisdom on this blog! I'm currently writing my book, but I have so much to share and it all comes from the never-ending fountain of source energy (which you have free access to, as well).

So, please keep coming back. Please allow me to give you tremendous value via this blog! It means a lot to me. Thank you for letting me share it with you!

To the God in You,

Greg Kuhn

By the way, if you're interested in learning about the very real science behind the law of attraction and how to manifest abundance, read my lens on Squidoo.