Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Deliberate Attraction and the Fast Moving Stream

The way to allow all good things, to deliberately create your happiness, is to go with the flow. Esther Hicks calls this going downstream. Get in the stream and stay in the stream; learn not to fight it or swim against it. Accept the flow and let go.

Acceptance is acceptance. The stream is the stream. And acceptance means you are going downstream. And vice-versa.

If you are actively cultivating appreciation you are accepting. Choose to appreciate and you quit swimming upstream. Choose to appreciate, in this moment, and you immediately turn downstream and go with the flow.

Going downstream is joy.

And you can go downstream at whatever pace suits you.

You can lie on your back and float lazily along, letting the current carry you and staring up at the leaves on the trees. You can also put an Evinrude motor on your boat and speed along at ten times the current. Or any pace in between - the choice is always yours.

Sometimes it feels wonderful to lay back and let the current carry you; sometimes moving faster than the natural flow is uncomfortable, or even frightening. Sometimes you're so motivated by desire (to attain something...or to escape something) that you crank up the Evinrude and let fly at top speed!

I've experienced a wide rage of downstream paces. Currently, I'm floating along with the current and occasionally giving a stroke of my paddle to add speed. Last fall, when I erased almost $800,000 worth of debt in less than five months, I strapped two Evinrudes on my canoe and let 'er rip!

It's not that one pace is better than another. It's all about what you're motivated to do.

I know what you're thinking, "Hey, I want to experience the Evinrudes too. How do I do that?"

Good question. If you've got the motivation (mine was avoiding impending bankruptcy and the loss of our home and property), you can do it just like I did:

Make it your number one "job" to think only feel-good, positive thoughts all day long. You do that moment by moment. And, consequently, also make it your number one "job" to feel only good feelings all day long.

Use my process of vibration raising to identify your current vibrations on the particular issue you're dealing with. And then intentionally raise your vibrations on the issue, as I teach you. At the same time use the exercises in the back of Esther Hicks' book, Ask and It is Given, as your guides, every moment of the day, to think positive thoughts and feel good feelings.

Let me know how it works for you; you'll love the feel of the wind in your hair as you fly down the stream!

To the God in You,
Greg Kuhn

By the way, if you're interested in learning about the very real science behind the law of attraction and how to manifest abundance, read my lens on Squidoo.

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