Quantum physics shows us that the observer and the observed are not two distinct and different things. In fact, the best way to describe “observer” and “observed” may be by saying they are two unique perspectives of the same thing.
The illusion of separation allows us to experience a physical existence and a physical experience of life on Earth. The trouble with the illusion of separation, though, is it becomes a prison in which we don’t even know we’re being held. We see the outside world, we believe the outside world is pre-existing and separate from us, and we define ourselves by it (we allow it to dictate our state of being).
Everything you see is a reflection of you. Your beliefs and your state of being is mirrored back to you by the material world.
It really is this simple:
- All of your current reality is nothing more than your accumulated previous beliefs (personified through your thoughts and feelings).
- Your current reality has NO bearing on your future (unless you give it that power) because your future will be dictated by your current beliefs (personified through your thoughts and feelings).
- Your beliefs and your state of being have a symbiotic relationship. Change your beliefs and you change your state of being. And, to a slightly lesser extent, change your state of being and you will change your beliefs.
- You are in charge of your beliefs and your state of being. Outside circumstances have no power over those things unless YOU give it to them.
- Take charge of your beliefs and your state of being by intentionally changing them to be more in alignment with your desires. For example, practice accepting, loving, giving, appreciating, and enjoying everything all the time.
- Your future reality will mold itself to accommodate, and reflect back to you, your current beliefs and state of being.
This is very simple. But not easy. It takes practice.
The idea that reality is pre-existing “thing” awaiting your observation is belief running deep within us. That is the paradigm in which we were raised and it is not an easy one to unlearn. So make sure you’re giving yourself a break – if you’ve spent most of your life driving by looking in your rear view mirror, it will take practice to quit glancing up as you drive!
So love the illusions. Just don’t be imprisoned by them! You are here to experience creation through the illusion of separation and, one day, you’ll leave this physical body and no longer have the illusion of separation. Enjoy it while you can!
Love the illusions just like you love your favorite movie, immersing yourself completely into it while safely remembering that it is only a fantasy!
Remember – when you love, accept, and appreciate “what is” you really are loving, accepting, and appreciating YOU! You are loving, accepting, and appreciating YOUR reflection. And why would you want to do anything else with your reflection?
To the God in You,
Greg Kuhn
By the way, if you're interested in learning about the very real science behind the law of attraction and how to manifest abundance, read my lens on Squidoo.
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