Thursday, March 6, 2008

Deliberate Attraction and Knowing the Nonphysical

Remember I started this blog to chronicle my getting out of debt and my moving into financial abundance. Using the law of attraction and creating deliberately.

To create deliberately, I've learned you must change what you know. As I wrote in my last post, you always manifest what you know. And to change what you know, you must change your state of being.

What you know and your state of being are almost one and the same.

There is no better way to directly and positively impact your state of being than to meditate. Meditation, if you'll give it a try, will place you in direct contact with the non-physical part of you. The part of you that is a direct and vital part of the quantum field (from which all matter is created).

The non-physical part of you shares the same qualities as the quantum field, because it is the same. They are both unboundedly creative, represent all possibilities, embody limitless energy, and are completely non-local. Of course, teachers of the world's great religious beliefs also describe "God" in this same manner.


If you're interested in deliberate attraction, try this simple meditation.

  • Sit cross legged, spine straight, thumb touching middle finger on each hand, in a comfortable and private area.

  • Close your eyes and imagine lifting your brain, temporarily, out of your skull, telling it, "I don't need you right now."

  • Imagine you're staring at a large movie screen with the words "Our Father" projected upon it. Concentrate your attention on the empty space between those two words and have no thoughts.

  • With a "thoughtless" mind, feel joy, abundance, and wealth flowing up from your pelvic area and out through your forehead.

  • Hum the sound "Ah" repeatedly as you feel these feelings flow through you and let your mind stay thoughtless.

  • Do this for fifteen minutes a day.

If you try that for fifteen minutes you will notice just how difficult it is to get your mind to be quiet. And if you stick with it long enough to experience just a little bit of your quiet mind, you will experience miracles. And your deliberate attraction will have rocket fuel poured into it.

Let me know how it goes for you. That meditation is the same one I do every day; I've been practicing it for eight months now and the changes in my life are immense (and growing still). I am calmer, more intuitive, more creative, more confident, more in touch, happier, more centered.

And a much better deliberate attractor too!

To the God in You,
Greg Kuhn

By the way, if you're interested in learning about the very real science behind the law of attraction and how to manifest abundance, read my lens on Squidoo.

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