Here are two phrases so simple, yet so true, that they define your reality:
- The things you "know" you have.
- The things you "want" you don't have.
I know, I're thinking, "For this I'm paying you $500?" (see...tongue-in-cheek again)
But stop and think about those two statements. Did you wake up today and think, "Gosh, I really, really want to be a trustworthy and compassionate friend!" Of course not! You are a trustworthy and compassionate friend - you know that! You don't need to want it, you are it.
But you may have, at some point today, thought,"Gosh, I wish I had (insert amount here) dollars." Why? Because you don't know you're wealthy, so you are in the "want" mode regarding money.
What I am revealing here is the foundation of wealth consciousness.
How to get it? Start by no longer wanting! That's right, quit wanting things.
You see, as long as you "want" something, you will never have it. You can't "have" something you "want." That is not how the universe operates (see all my other posts or my manifesting abundance lens on Squidoo).
And while you may not be able to "know" you're financially wealthy overnight, you can stop wanting money. And that's a huge (and completely necessary) first step!
To stop wanting anything, you must quiet your brain. You must immerse yourself in the present moment and "turn off" your brain.
How to turn off you brain? Meditation is the best way. And I'll describe some simple, yet very effective, meditation techniques in my next post.
To the God in You,
Greg Kuhn
By the way, if you're interested in learning about the very real science behind the law of attraction and how to manifest abundance, read my lens on Squidoo.
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