The (Self-Anointed) "King" Revealed Himself to be the Jester
All my self-help, feel-good, positive-affirmation-guided action had led me, and my family, to complete financial ruin and bankruptcy. But that wasn't my only stain. I had not only been dishonest about the downward spiral of my investments, but I had also become increasingly arrogant and self-righteous as I scrambled to defend my misguided actions (both to myself and to others).
Now all of that thin, false veneer was stripped away. And I was left with only my lies and broken promises. I'm fortunate my family stuck by me.
As my wife sought financial guidance and my family made immediate changes to our financial practices, I set out to put my wrongs right. It was an unbelievably daunting task and seemed impossible. How was I, on my public school salary, going to dig out from this mountainous debt?
A desirable outcome seemed so far fetched (and I felt so worthless and guilty) that I started to fantasize about not being around any more. And my family would get my life insurance money to set things right.
My Life, I Realized, Was Actually a Garden
But that was not my destiny. Instead I sought some guidance and started doing things differently. I used professional mental help to maintain my sanity. And my family started using professional financial help to dig ourselves out of this hole.
That was late in the year of 2005 (bear in mind that none of these debts were forgiven, nor cash manifested, until July of 2007). The changes in me, from therapy, started slowly occurring in the early spring of 2006. The seeds for deliberate attraction, however, weren't planted until March, 2007.
And the seeds for deliberate attraction started sprouting in late July, 2007.
I know now that all the turmoil and pain were the potting soil for those seeds of deliberate attraction. My hope is that neither you nor your family has to suffer for these seeds to grow in your garden. My hope is that it doesn't take anything like what I experienced for you to begin to manifest abundance.
Joe's Green Thumb
In the spring of 2007 my friend, Joe Chabot, told me about the law of attraction and his amazing experiences with it. I listened respectfully (because I've always admired Joe and he has an incredible life story), but I hung up the phone that day thinking two things:
- "That sounds like all that 'positive thinking' shit I was trying while I was ruining my life. I'm done with that baloney."
- "That stuff might work for him, but it'll never work for me. Especially not with the unbelievable burden I've created."
I was overjoyed to have my sanity and a mending marriage, but I was just waiting for the inevitable, final collapse of our finances and the loss of our house and all our possessions. It's hard to believe that was my mindset then. Oh, how far I've come.
And I'll continue the story soon. There's so much more to tell. Stay tuned.
To the God in You,
Gregory K
By the way, if you're interested in learning about the very real science behind the law of attraction and how to manifest abundance, read my lens on Squidoo.
1 comment:
I look forward to hearing the rest of the story. I myself went through a bad investment and went through so much shit even though I was trying to believe in the Law of Attraction.
In the end, I believe I came out much stronger, and learned so much. I'm much closer with my family and I'm glad that I'm steering down the right path, downstream it is.
Let us flow together,
Your friend,
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