Are you having a time/space quantum event called "Your Life"?
Tough choice for some. But not anymore. Because both are true. This blog will chronicle the bridge between the two and show you how my life has changed (some of it quite unbelievably) because of it.
How to Fail Miserably
I'm not selling anything. I don't have a book (yet). I don't have a product. I am a person who tried for years to use my mind to become prosperous and failed. Not only did I fail, in fact, but I nearly lost my marriage and my sanity in the process of accumulating over one million dollars of debt.
I'm not being flippant when I write that I've been to hell and back. I've driven down the freeway wishing that a semi-truck would suck me under its wheels. I've pondered ways to take my own life so that my family would still collect the life insurance. Yes...I've been that depressed and low!
How would you feel after reading every self-help book out there? And not only reading them, but religiously practicing what they teach? Then only to watch your situation get worse and worse; the deceit growing with the debt?
How would you feel after betting your life savings, your children's education money, and your wife's treasured family inheritance on your positive thinking/get-rich-quick schemes? And then watching those schemes come crashing down around you - unveiling your betrayal of your family's trust?
I can tell you how I felt: alone, betrayed, and abandoned by God!
I pray that you're reading this blog before you have to make any mistakes like I did. Because I didn't take my own life. And I did learn to bridge that gap. I have finally learned to manifest abundance with my mind! And I will tell you exactly how I did it (and more) in this blog.
I Learned from the Best Teachers...and Still Failed!
Think and Grow Rich, The Greatest Salesman in the World, Rich Dad/Poor Dad, As a Man Thinketh, The Four Agreements, The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People (I even wrote a course on that book), Conversations with God, Who's Afraid of Schrodinger's Cat?, etc., etc., etc. Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar...the list goes on and on.
You name it, I read it. If it was a widely praised self-help or motivational work, I tried it! And yet I still spiraled further and further into failure.
These are all great books and I don't list them to blame them for my failure. Many of them are actually all about deliberate attraction! (I'll reveal why I couldn't "get it" later in this blog...)
I list them merely to show that I was a student of the best teachers available. I knew there had to be a secret formula to achieve phenomenal success and I was sure one of those books or those teachers could teach it to me. I knew there was a way to use my mind to manifest abundance and I was going to find it!
I used to joke that some shyster would invent a weight loss program called "Quantum Physiques", selling people the ability to change their bodies with their mind! (By the way, don't laugh...I saw the infomercial for it yesterday!) And the program would sell because it would be based on real principles.
My mind had to be able to manifest abundance! It had to be possible. And as you'll read later, deliberately attracting is possible but I almost went bankrupt (emotionally, spiritually, and financially) finding out how.
To be continued...
To the God in You,
Gregory K
By the way, if you're interested in learning about the very real science behind the law of attraction and how to manifest abundance, read my lens on Squidoo.
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